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Motion Capture System

Motion Capture System

 Software Setup:

1. Open Motive : Body

2. Click on “Start Wanding” as well as making sure OptiWand is set to CW-250.

3. Go into the middle of the MoCap station and wave the wand until the amount of results is “Very Good”.

4. Press “Calculate” and “apply” one calculated.

5. Go to the Skeletons Tab

6. Click on the Skeleton creation tab

7. Choose Baseline as a marker set. And name your skeleton

8.  When your person is inside the motion capture station, make them T-Pose and select all markers that are being tracked. Now click “Create” when it turns blue.

How to Record:

1. Click the record button after all the previous steps are done.

2. The take will be saved where you saved your skeleton (saved as .trak)

3. You can choose to export it to .bvh via “File → Export Tracking Data”

Harry Potter Wand Demo [Unity]:

1. Import “Vive Input Utility” from the Asset store.

2. Create an Empty Game Object and rename it to “MotiveClient”

3. Go to https://free3d.com/3d-model/harry-potter-staff-deathly-hallows-70472.html and download the Wand file. Unzip it and import the .fbx version of the file.

4. From HTC.UnityPlugin go to ViveInputUtility -> Prefabs and drag in a ViveCameraRig

5. Drag in “Staff - Harry Potter” as a child of Camera under ViveCameraRig. Make sure to delete the “Camera” object that is a child of Staff as this will conflict your camera. Your hierarchy should look like this:

6. Delete the “Main Camera” object that is at the top of your hierarchy. This camera will conflict with your Vive Camera.

7. In Motive:Body open the Streaming tab

8. Copy each option in the streaming tab

9. Select an object in the studio (with trackers) and create a new Rigid Body. Name it what you want. 
10. Change the Streaming ID to what the Unity Streaming ID will be

11. Now that Motive:Body and Unity are open, any object you bind “OptiTrackRigidBody” to will move with the in real life markers (if the Streaming ID is the same).

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/brandongallagher1999/Motive-Body-Unity-Demo 

Common Problems / Best Practices

  • “Unable to create Skeleton”
  • Answer: This is caused from flickering trackers and can be fixed by making sure that the trackers are in the correct place (lined up via the marker set you chose).


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Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
2019-07-10 13:07:50

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