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Meta 2 Tutorial

Meta 2 Tutorial

Software Setup:

  • Meta 2 Headset


Unity Demo:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Download the Meta 2 SDK for Unity https://docs.metavision.com/external/doc/latest/
  3. Install the SDK
  4. Import the Assets from the Meta 2 Unity Package
  5. Create a Cube with a Rigid Body
  6. Go to Assets and search for “CameraRig” and drag the MetaCameraRig into your hierarchy
  7. Make sure your Cube has a Rigid Body in it’s components
  8. You can now move the cube with your hands in your game!


  • While installing assets for Unity, the installer says the internet connection is lost while being connected to the internet.
  • Meta 2 won’t work without Unity version 3.3f


Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
2019-07-11 11:40:01

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