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How to Log into DC Lab Pods

How to Log Into the DC Pods

Use the following instructions to connect to one of the DC Pods while inside the lab:

  1. Plug an ordinary straight-through Ethernet cable into your laptop and plug the other end into one of the yellow ports on the pod desktop. You can also access the network wirelessly by connecting to the SSID DC_Access.
  2. Your laptop should automatically obtain an address in the subnet for wired, or the subnet if wireless. If it does not, please ensure that you do not have a statically assigned IP address set up on your network card, and consult the wireless setup for the DC network HERE.
  3. Open a terminal program such as: PuTTy, SecureCRT, TeraTerm. (Links to this software can be found HERE)
  4. Open an SSH connection to the IP address of the Pod to which you are connecting. The IP address is 172.16.2.P, where P is the number of the Pod to which you are connecting. (ex. = Pod 1)
  5. Enter your lab username and password to gain access to the Pod.
  6. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with a menu for connecting to the devices in the Pod. Simply type the number next to the device you want to connect to and hit ENTER to connect. Press P to view the power menu of the devices.
  7. If you wish to connect to another device, type ~ followed by .(period), to return to the main menu.
  8. When you are finished working on the Pod  and have cleared all of your devices, type X from the main menu to log out.